
The Bandarlampung Religious Communication Forum (FKUB) hopes that religious figures in Lampung can be at the forefront of broadcasting messages of inter-religious harmony. However, not only conveying, lectures also concern the elements of education.

"Religious people, especially religious leaders, can provide education to their respective people so that they can carry out religious values, especially regarding goodness, social and harmony," said FKUB Chairman Bandarlampung Purna Irawan, Monday, February 20, as reported by Antara.

So, he continued, with the values of harmony between society and religious communities, of course, there will be a sense of mutual respect and respect for each other in carrying out their beliefs.

"The problems that have occurred and gone viral on social media recently, are actually not as scary as those reported. Because many hands are wise and wise, giving rise to strange interpretations," he said.

According to him, so far the religious harmony index in Bandarlampung City has been quite good and well maintained, but indeed the current events are caused by eruptions that are not communicated so that it peaks and problems occur.

"So what happens is mostly miscommunication," he said.

He also said that FKUB also continues to approach and provide education to the community so that everything is done with the values of faith and religion held by each.

"So indeed we always carry out dialogue and continue to approach it with cool and religious languages. Then every time there is a problem we try all parties involved who are graceful and can accept it and indeed we must obey the law," he said.

According to him, FKUB in resolving conflicts that occur is always based on the Joint Ministerial Regulation, namely the Minister of Religion and the Minister of Home Affairs Number 98 of 2006.

"So whether we like it or not, happy and unhappy, feel profitable or not, we have to return it to the regulation. And rest assured that the calm, comfort, and peace in the body will be fulfilled," he said.

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