
SRAGEN - Minister of Administrative Reform- Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan-RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas inaugurated seven Public Service Malls (MPP) in Central Java simultaneously in Sragen, Monday, February 20. At the inauguration, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo was accompanied by Sragen Regent Kusdinar Untung Yuni Sukowati. In addition, regional heads and representatives from the local district were also present, including Demak Regent Eisti anah, and Semarang Regent Ngesti Nugraha.

The seven MPPs that were inaugurated were in Sragen, Demak, Pekalongan, Pemalang, Purbalingga, Semarang, and Wonogiri Regencies. Sragen is one of the pioneer areas for bureaucratic reform. Sragen used to initiate service changes so that the process of making ID cards was fast, even though it was not yet digital," said Ganjar, starting his remarks.

MPP Askara Bumi Sukowati is located in Dr Sutomo no. 5, Sine Village, Sragen Regency. Before it was inaugurated, MPP Sragen had soft launched at the end of 2022. Ganjar Pranowo hopes that more residents will be served.

"We hope that this MPP is not just a building that serves, but will develop into digital services. So that more people will be able to quickly get the best service," said Governor Ganjar Pranowo in his remarks.

To date, a total of more than 21 thousand people have been served. The uniqueness of MPP Sragen, in addition to the availability of a total of 1,418 types of services from these 39 agencies, also has a marriage hall that can be utilized by the community.

"So that buildings are buildings, which cannot use digital, please come, which can be digital, please use the application, so all existing community layers can be served," said Ganjar.

In line with Menpan-RB Abdullah Azwar Anas, this MPP is a form of bureaucratic reform that President Joko Widodo dreams of. Especially in terms of services, said Azwar, there is no more complicated bureaucracy.

"Hopefully in the future we can change soon, it's just a place to stay, where is the bureaucracy of the past or future bureaucracy," he said.

Azwar also shared special memories with Sragen Regency. Namely when he was elected as Regent of Banyuwangi in 2010. Before being inaugurated, Azwar specifically came to Sragen to study.

"Especially for my ID card, I came directly to meet Pak Untung (former Sragen Regent), 2010, at that time I had not been inaugurated, because public expectations to regional heads were extraordinary that everything had to be resolved," he said.

With the simultaneous inauguration of the seven MPPs, Central Java now has 28 Public Service Malls. Among them are Boyolali, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, Surakarta City, and Salatiga City.

Then Magelang City, Semarang City, Kendal, Kudus, Jepara, Pati, Blora, Kebumen, Purworejo, Banyumas, Grobogan, Klaten, Brebes, Rembang, Cilacap.

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