
JAKARTA - Teddy Minahasa's attorney, Hotman Paris Hutapea, claimed that the testimony of the witness presented by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) during the trial today Monday benefited his client as the defendant.

"Today's two witnesses also benefited because he did not know it was (shabu) from Teddy Minahasa, he did not know Teddy Minahasa's order," Hotman said after undergoing trial at the West Jakarta District Court (PN), Monday, February 20, was confiscated from Antara.

Not only witnesses were presented today, several witnesses presented by the Public Prosecutor at the previous trial were also considered to be in favor of Teddy.

According to Hotman, none of the witness statements explained in detail the process of exchanging methamphetamine with tawas before the destruction of evidence at the Bukittinggi Police Station, West Sumatra.

Thus, he believes his client is not proven in the process of exchanging methamphetamine at the Bukittinggi Police.

"So to this day nothing has been landslide in the direction that the methamphetamine in Jakarta came from Bukittinggi on orders from TM to exchange methamphetamine with tawas," he said.

When asked about who the mitigating witness will be presented by Hotman at the trial, he could not explain in detail.

At today's trial, the Public Prosecutor established two witnesses, namely Janto Situmorang and Nasir. Janto is a police officer assigned by the former Head of the Kali Baru Police, Kompol Kasranto, to sell Teddy Minahasa's methamphetamine.

Janto sold the methamphetamine to several people, one of whom was Nasir. Nasir bought methamphetamine weighing one ounce from Janto at a price of Rp. 50 million.

Polda Metro Jaya stated that Inspector General Teddy Minahasa had ordered his subordinates to set aside evidence of methamphetamine from the results of the disclosure of the case to be circulated.

The Bukit Tinggi Police initially wanted to destroy 40 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, but Inspector General Teddy Minahasa allegedly ordered to exchange five kilograms of crystal methamphetamine for tawas.

The embezzlement of drug evidence was finally uncovered by a series of disclosures of narcotics cases by the Central Jakarta Metro Police and Polda Metro Jaya.

A total of 1.7 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine has been circulated. Meanwhile, the remaining 3.3 kilograms were confiscated by officers.

As for the articles alleged against Teddy, namely Article 114 Paragraph 3 sub-Article 112 Paragraph 2 Jo Article 132 Paragraph 1 Jo Article 55 Law Number 35 Year 2009 with a maximum threat of the death penalty and a minimum of 20 years in prison.

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