
JAKARTA - PSI politician Mohamad Guntur Romli or Gun Romli responded to a viral video of the disbandment of the Bandarlampung Yat Daud Protestant Christian Church (GPKD) congregation which was carrying out Sunday services. The dissolution was carried out by civilians.

In the video, the ongoing worship finally stopped. A mother of a congregation member shouted hysterically when she had to accept the situation while leaving the church.

Gun Romli assessed that they do not have the hearts of those who like to break up worship. He also questioned what if it was experienced by adherents of other religions, especially the majority in the country.

"This mother is crying hysterically, because Sunday worship at the Bandar Lampung GPKD Church was stopped. This man in a blue and hated shirt has no brain and heart, try if Muslims are praying, is prostrating and forced to stop," said Gun Romli on his Twitter account, @GunRomli, Monday 10 February.

Gun Romli then reminded President Jokowi's statement that emphasized that all Indonesian citizens are allowed to embrace and worship according to their respective religious choices. This is regulated in the 1945 Constitution.

"Mr. @jokowi your orders were not carried out properly below," he said.

For this reason, Gun Romli hopes that the ranks of the Lampung Regional Police and the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo will pay attention to the repeated disbandment of worship in Bandar Lampung.

He also captured a video containing the face of a man dressed in blue and in a hat who disbanded worship at the Bandarlampung GPKD so that the police could immediately follow up.

"Mark first the face of a man in a blue shirt and hat who forced to stop the Sunday service of the Yat Daud Protestant Church in Bandar Lampung @ListyoSigitP @humaspoldalpg," he said.

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