
A total of two helicopters assisted by the South Sumatra Police (Sumsel) and PT WKS flew to the location where the Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono and his entourage flew to the Kerinci Regency hills on Sunday 19 February.

According to observations from the airport at Jambi Old Airport, the two helicopters for evacuation took off at around 17.00 WIB from Sultan Thaha Jambi Airport to the location.

"It is true that the helicopter assistance from the South Sumatra Police was carried with logistics and medicines," said the Head of Public Relations of the Jambi Police, Kombes Pol. Mulia Priyanto to reporters, Sunday.

Meanwhile, helicopters from PT WKS were flown to carry joint personnel assistance.

Currently, we have not been able to confirm the exact condition of the injury suffered by the Jambi Police Chief, but what we ensure is that the condition of the Regional Police Chief and all passengers are in a safe condition, for certainty and clarity, will be conveyed again later.

The aid team deployed will take land and air routes to evacuate the Jambi Police Chief and his entourage.

"If the weather is good, it can be done by air, but the latest information at the scene is raining," said Mulya.

Previously, the condition of the Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono was reported to have broken his right hand after the helicopter he was traveling in crashed and made an emergency landing in the hills of Kerinci Regency.

From the video footage circulating, it can be seen that the helicopter was badly damaged and several Jambi Police personnel bleeding on the face, including the Director of Criminal Investigation at the Jambi Police, Kombes Pol. Andri Ananta Yudistira.

According to the information obtained, the chronology of the incident began on Sunday, February 19, 2023 at 09.25 WIB, the Jambi Police Chief and his entourage flew from Jambi City to Sungai Penuh City to carry out work visits, inauguration of the Kerinci Police SPKT Office and securing the visit of the former Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla in Kerinci.

At 11.02 WIB the Jambi Police Command Post received a report from the Bell 412 SP Reg Heli Crew. The P-301 emergency landed at the S20 93.53 E1010 4212,63 to be precise Tamiai Village, Batang Merangin District, Kerinci Regency, with the reason that it is not yet known.

For the current passenger condition, he is safe with the condition of the Jambi Police Chief experiencing a broken right hand and for other passengers in a safe condition.

Currently, sending personnel Battalion B Sat Brimob Jambi Police, Kerinci Police and Merangin Police to the emergency landing location. Send a medical team to the location to carry out first aid.

PT WKS borrowed the Bell 412 EP helicopter to evacuate by air.

The Head of Public Relations of the Jambi Police, Kombes Mulia Priyanto, explained that the weather conditions at the scene of the emergency landing of the helicopter being boarded by the Jambi Police Chief were foggy and rainy.

"The results of the temporary coordination of the conditions are due to the weather," he said.

Currently, his party involves several parties in their evacuation efforts, there are Basarnas, Jambi Regional Police and ranks as well as from the South Sumatra Regional Police.

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