
The Loa Janan Police have established a service post to oversee the security of distribution of aid to fire victims in Loa Janan Ulu Village, Kutai Kartanegara Regency (Kukar), East Kalimantan (Kaltim).

Head of Binmas Polsek Loa Janan Ipda Pol Budiyono said the number of fire victims was 27 families (KK). Meanwhile, 14 buildings were recorded as charred.

"Currently we are securing the distribution of aid for the 27 families of victims after the house fire disaster on Saturday (February 18) night, by guarding the service post at the TKP, and urging residents not to take debris of goods that are not their rights," said Budiyono in Kukar, Sunday, February 19, quoted by Antara.

He said the police also facilitated victims to immediately report important documents that lost the impact of the fire to service posts, such as diplomas, land certificates, and other important documents.

After complete data collection is carried out, he continued, the police will help make a fire certificate to be used later as a prerequisite for processing documents to related agencies.

"Last night at the time of the fire incident, police officers went straight to the crime scene to help evacuate residents and also security, curbed road traffic due to the heavy number of people watching, and directed the local village head to build a service post, the results of an investigation into the cause of the fire due to an alleged short circuit in one of the residents' houses," said Budiyono.

Meanwhile, Loa Village Head Janan Ulu Supariyo explained the chronology of the incident that the fire was allegedly triggered by a short circuit in one of the residents' houses which at the time of the incident was empty because it was left to attend the Isra Miraj event at the nearest mosque.

"At Saturday night, at around 21.45 WITA the hotspots appeared until they were successfully extinguished at 22.50 WITA. From the fire, 14 houses were destroyed consisting of 12 single houses and two houses with three doors each, there were all wooden construction houses, if the victims whose houses were burned as many as 27 families," said Supariyo.

He conveyed, to the fire victims to immediately report the loss of lost goods, including the important documents of the victims for further assistance in updating to the relevant agencies.

Furthermore, Kukar BPBD Officer Donni Drajat explained that at the time of the incident, his party had difficulty extinguishing it due to narrow alley conditions and also heavy traffic from crowds of people.

"At the time of the blackout, with the narrow and dense condition of the residents' houses, it turned out to be more effective using portable extinguishing units, using a three-wheeled motorcycle. For volunteers who helped consist of a combination of volunteers from Kukar and Samarinda," said Donni.

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