
JAKARTA - A lecturer at the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) Yogyakarta named Ahmad Munasir Rafie Pratama (AMRP) was reported missing in Norway.

Ahmad lost contact after attending academic activities at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN). He and three other people were in Norway on February 5-12, 2023.

Ahmad's last contact when he informed his wife when he was about to leave for Istanbul Turkey on February 12.

The National Police Headquarters to the Indonesian Repbulic Consulate General (KJRI) Istanbul are still looking for the whereabouts of the UII Lecturer.

Based on the official UII Yogyakarta website where Ahmad belongs,, he is an Assistant Professor at UII. In addition, he is also the Secretary of the Department of Information majoring in Informatics.


If you look at his academic footprint, Ahmad Munasir received his Bachelor's degree at Gajah Mada University in 2008. Then Ahmad continued his education to get a Master's degree in Information Technology (MIT) at Monash University in 2011.

Ahmad then continued his education studies to obtain a Ph.D. in technology, policy and innovation in 2019 at the University of Stony Brok, United States State University.

He was selected to get Full Bright scholarships by taking several courses at New York University and Teachers Collaga, Univestias Colombia under Inter-University Doctoral Consortium.

Ahmad is a person who likes research, especially related to information technology, especially cellular technology and society.

He also often combines traditional research methods and approaches to computational science and data science to help bridge information computer/technological science with social science.

Outside of Academics Ahmad Munasir is a person who likes to watch cinema films, watching events on Netflix and Disney. He is also a person who likes swimming and supports the AC Milan team when competing.

Then to fill his empty time, Ahmad often spends his time reading wikipedia, a manga comic. Not only, he also likes to play Beat Saber at Oculus or Sid Meier's Civilization VI on Steam.


Name: Ahmad Munasir Rafie Pratama

Place/date of birth: Banjarmasin, March 3, 1986

Body height: 175 cm

Body weight: 68 kg

Skin color: Sawo Matang

Rambut: Ikal

Special feature: The fly on the right cheek and under the left eye.

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