
JAKARTA - The President's Special Staff for Social Affairs, Angkie Yudistia, invites all parties to participate in improving the quality of education and special training for groups of people with disabilities in order to create competitive and superior human resources in competitiveness in the work industry.

"So now is the time to support people with disabilities. That we are not alone here either. The private sector must support, for example, our (government) to support education with disabilities," said Angkie after inaugurating the Vocational Disability Training Center in Tangerang, Banten, Friday, February 17, as reported by Antara.

So far, the government through the Ministry of Manpower and Education continues to strive to encourage the quality of education for disability groups in improving work skills. This is done through changes in the moduli system and the education curriculum.

"The government through the ministry of education has a special training institution to facilitate student age for persons with disabilities. Then the Ministry of Manpower has work facilities," he said.

In addition, as a form of commitment from the government. Through Presidential Regulation number 68 of 2022 concerning Revitalization of Vocational Education with Disabilities, all cross-sectoral elements can collaborate to grow a disability-friendly ecosystem so that it can enter the world of work and fulfill the quota for achievements mandated by the law.

"The government through the Presidential Decree regarding the revitalization of vocational education, means that all cross-sectoral elements can execute from the curriculum to its implementation," he said.

To realize the improvement in the quality of disability education, his party will also cooperate with State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), the Indonesian Human Capital Forum (FHCI), private groups, and various Disabilities Organizations (OPD), to jointly engage in building a empowered disability ecosystem.

"We have networks, we are working with BLK communities from the Ministry. We are also working with SLB to be brought by the Ministry of Education. So we all pick up the ball so that this disability education has the required curriculum," he said.

He also added, based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the National Labor Force Survey or Sakernas in 2021 stated that of the 16.5 million people with disabilities, only 7.6 million people were absorbed in the world of work. According to data from the Ministry of Manpower, 1.73 percent of companies that recruit and employ people with disabilities.

And from this data, of course, this is still very minimal if we look at the number of people with disabilities in Indonesia as many as 22.98 million people with 16.5 million, including the productive age of work.

"There are 1.73 percent of them 969 companies that receive workers from people with disabilities. And data from the ministry of manpower, only 0.02 percent or 3433 people with disabilities are absorbed into the labor market," he said.

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