
JAKARTA - Suspects HK (21) and MA (14) planned the murder of a fried chicken entrepreneur with the initials MIM (29) three days before the execution. The two of them devised a murder strategy until the plan to escape.

"This murder, according to the suspect's statement, has been planned for 3 days," said Director of General Criminal Investigation (Dirkrimum) of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi to reporters, Friday, February 17.

The murder plan began when the suspects waited for MIM to enter the shophouse, precisely in the kitchen, then immediately executed. The trick is to hit the head repeatedly until the victim is dead.

"When entering the kitchen, a beating was immediately carried out using gas cylinders on the victim's head many times," he said.

The beatings were carried out by the suspect HK. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court played a role in holding the victim's body.

After the execution process was completed, obstacles arose. Local residents began arriving at the shophouse. Because, the victim shouted for help.

At that time, the two suspects developed. They reasoned that the victim shouted because he saw the snake that had been dumped at that time.

"So these neighbors then don't have to enter the shophouse," said Hengki.

After they were done, they immediately fled. Not to forget, the two suspects took property and also brought the victim's 17-month-old child.

"However, after the husband of this victim entered the shop, it was found that his wife had died," said Hengki

MIM, was found dead covered in blood on a shophouse in Kemedinggi Village, Sukaut Village, Bekasi Regency, on Thursday, July 16.

From the results of the interim investigation, the woman is strongly suspected of being a murder victim.

Not only murder, behind this series of cases there is also an element of kidnapping. This is because the perpetrator took away the victim's 17-month-old child.

Currently, the two suspects have been arrested. They were arrested in the Subang area, West Java.

Even with the victim's child who has also been found. The baby has been handed over to the family.

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