West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil hopes that the construction of the east-west MRT whose construction process will begin in 2024 can reduce the use of Bekasi residents' private vehicles.
In addition, the man who is familiarly called Kang Emil also hopes that the mass rapid transit with the Cikarang-Balaraja route will reduce the stress level of Bekasi residents because during traffic jams there are always those who carry out activities in Jakarta every day.
This was conveyed by Kang Emil in the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono regarding regional support for the construction of the Phase 3 MRT which began on stage 1 of the Tomang-Medan Satria area was carried out at Gedung Sate, Bandung, West Java.
"Hopefully in a matter of years, it won't take too long, so we hope that tens of thousands of Bekasi City residents who ride cars can switch to mass transportation to reduce stress and reduce economic burdens and make their economic zones more advanced because the movement is faster," said Kang Emil, Friday, February 17th.
In the MRT development planning, the DKI Provincial Government acts as the executor of the location determination (penlok) for lanes and stations in Jakarta. Then, assign PT MRT Jakarta to carry out its construction.
The West Java Provincial Government through the Bekasi City Government and Regency Government are also tasked with preparing land collector documents to be acquired to ensure the legality of the legal basis of the law.
"This is not easy. Land acquisition will take place in the area of Mr. Mayor (Mayor of Bekasi). The technical level of Bekasi mayorship is also a very high role. However, my point is very dynamic and complex, so that is why the central government is holding the initiative of this," he said.
The Golkar politician views that preparing a penlok document is not an easy task. Therefore, Kang Emil admitted that his party had not been able to decide how much land area to be acquired and the certainty of the land acquisition location.
"This is from the DKI border to Bekasi, in the end. Bekasi City must provide depots. Which depots are in the most adequate alternatives. Each of the provincial and city governments has its contribution. Therefore, we cannot convey that marena is still in the process of being elected," explained Kang Emil.
For information, the development of the MRT with the Balaraja-Cikarang route spanning 84.10 kilometers. With financial support from Japan as the main investor, the MRT east-west project worth IDR 160 trillion is divided into 2 phases, namely phase 1 covering the DKI Jakarta area and phase 2 which includes Banten and West Java.
The government plans to provide 3 operational depots on the MRT east-west with an estimated passenger of 1.2 million per day.
Phase 1 will be further divided into phase 1 along 24.52 kilometers which will go through Tomang, Dukuh Atas, Senen, Perintis to Medan Satria and stage 2 along 9.23 kilometers through Tomang and Kembangan.
The MRT east-west phase 1 is expected to operate in 2031 with a construction completion target no later than 2024.
Meanwhile, MRT east-west phase 2 will be divided into an east-west Banten along 29.99 kilometers through Kembangan, Kelapa Dua, to Balaraja and East-West West Java along 20.43 kilometers which will pass through Medan Satria and Cikarang.
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