
The Judicial Commission (KY) said the rowdy action of members of Brimob Polri during the trial of the tragedy of Kanjuruhan affected the judge's nuances of independence.

"This happened at the trial location, which ultimately affected the nuances of judge and judicial independence," said member of the Judicial Commission as well as Head of Human Resources, Advocacy, Law, Research, and Development of Binziad Kadafi in a written statement, Thursday, February 16.

Hal tersebut disampaikannya menanggapi sidang tragedi Kanjuruhan beberapa waktu lalu dimana anggota Brimob berkumpul, dan berteria di lokasi persidangan sehingga menimbulkan situasi yang tampak tidak kondusif.

KY himself has traced the noise in the form of chants and screams directed by Brimob personnel to the public prosecutor (JPU) and not judges.

However, the attitude and behavior of Brimob personnel is considered to have an effect on the nuances of judge and judicial independence.

Kadafi continued, the independence of judges and courts was closely related to security guarantees. Meanwhile, in that incident, the actions were carried out by police personnel who should be the main actors providing security guarantees for judges and courts.

"The Judicial Commission will communicate with the Indonesian Police specifically regarding this incident," he said, quoted by Antara.

For example, Kadafi said, the matter of limiting police personnel who are not tasked with security is present at the trial, limiting the use of police uniforms for court visitors, and so on so that the impression of intimidation is avoided.

In addition, KY will communicate with the National Police regarding respect for judges and courts including security guarantees, especially in cases involving police officers.

"The conducive atmosphere and respect for the trial will encourage public confidence in handling a case," said Kadafi.

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