
JAMBI - Jambi City Government (Pemkot) ensures that fines for coal transportation that violates city roads are applied after the transfer of transportation case files that violates are transferred to the Prosecutor's Office.

The Head of the Integrated Team for Controlling Coal Truck Transportation in Jambi City said the coal transportation case file was complete.

"It has been P-21, and today it has been delegated," he said in Jambi, Wednesday, February 15, as reported by Antara.

Jaelani continued, the trial schedule is planned for Thursday 16 February morning. The trial will take place at the Jambi District Court with various technical and juridical balances.

In line with the Head of Legal Section of the Jambi City Secretariat, the Awaljon Earthquake said that the transfer of files and suspects to the Jambi District Attorney (JPU) had been carried out.

He said that the infringing coal transport drivers were not detained.

Previously, Jambi Mayor Syarif Fasha confirmed that he would take firm action against coal transportation that was desperate to pass through the inner streets of Jambi City.

"Because this is an individual, the driver is subject to sanctions. That will be the judge's decision. But if the owner of the business yesterday, I will confirm the maximum fine of IDR 50 million," he said.

It is known that the coal truck driver was subject to Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2017 concerning traffic, which carries a maximum fine of IDR 50 million or a prison sentence of six months.

This effort was made by the Mayor of Jambi to ensure the safety of residents of Jambi City because of the large number of coal transportation entering the Jambi City road.

In addition to damaging road infrastructure, several coal transportation accidents also provide concerns for residents of Jambi City.

The Mayor of Jambi emphasized that the rules made were ensured for the safety of the people of Jambi City.

The Jambi City Government has formed an integrated team to monitor coal transportation that enters the Jambi City road.

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