
The defendant Haryadi Suyuti in the bribery case for issuing a building permit (IMB) was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison. The former mayor (Walkot) of Yogyakarta for two terms was also fined Rp. 300 million, a subsidiary of 4 months.

The public prosecutor (JPU) read out the demands during an online trial at the Yogyakarta District Court, Tuesday, February 14.

Haryadi was proven to have violated Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 because he consciously accepted gifts in the form of money and goods for certain purposes, namely facilitating the issuance of two respective IMBs for apartments and hotels.

According to the prosecutor, in the trial of reading the demands that lasted 3 hours, the issuance of the two IMBs was also not in accordance with applicable rules and regulations and it was found that there was an intervention element from the defendant in the issuance.

The two IMBs that dragged Haryadi in the bribery case were the issuance of permits for Royal Kedathon Apartments and Hotel Iki Wae or Aston Malioboro.

The interventions carried out include asking the relevant regional apparatus organizations to immediately issue a recommendation letter as the basis for issuing the IMB even though a number of conditions have not been completed.

Haryadi is known to have received 20,450 US dollars and Rp110 million as well as a number of items such as Sriroco VW cars and electric bicycles.

In addition to the demands for prison sentences and fines, Haryadi was also asked to pay compensation for a total value of Rp. 390 million. However, because the defendant had returned Rp. 205 million, the remaining replacement money that had to be paid was Rp. 185 million.

The prosecutor also applied for the revocation of the right to be elected for 5 years starting from the time the defendant finished serving his main sentence.

Apart from Haryadi, two employees within the Yogyakarta City Government were also involved in the bribery case, namely the former Head of the Investment and One Stop Integrated Service Nurwidi Hartana and Triyanto Budi Yuwono as Haryadi's personal secretary.

Both of them also underwent trial at the same time as Haryadi.

Nurwidi was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison with a fine of Rp. 300 million, subsidiary to 4 months in prison, while Triyanto was sentenced to 4 years in prison with a fine of Rp. 200 million, subsidiary to 3 months in prison.

Nurwidi was also charged with additional punishment for paying replacement money with a value of Rp. 290 million. However, because it has deposited Rp. 5 million, the remaining money that must be paid is Rp. 285 million.

Meanwhile, Triyanto has returned all the bribes received in the amount of Rp. 10 million.

In his demands, the Public Prosecutor mentioned a number of elements that incriminate the three defendants, among others, to commit acts that are not in line with government programs, namely creating a government that is free from corruption, collusion, and nepotism.

The team of prosecutors who read out the charges against Zainal Abidin, Ferdian Adi Nugroho, Andry Lesmana, and Johan Dwi Junianto.

Meanwhile, Haryadi Suyuti's attorney, M. Fahri Hasyim, assessed that the prosecutor's demands were quite heavy.

"However, it is the right of the prosecutor because it is for law enforcement. Our job later is to file a defense. We are ready with the defense we will convey," he said.

Hasyim hopes that the sentence against Haryadi can be reduced because the defendant has confessed and is cooperative during the trial.

"All the money and goods have been returned. This is part of good faith and our clients have no intention of enriching themselves," he said.

Meanwhile, Chief Judge Muh Djauhar Setyadi asked the defendant to immediately consult with his attorney to prepare a defense delivered at the hearing next week, February 21, 2023.

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