
The Judicial Commission (KY) will provide an advocacy if the Panel of Judges at the South Jakarta District Court (PN) hearing the former Head of Propam Division Ferdy Sambo and his wife, Putri Candrawati is threatened. Coordination will be carried out after the verdict was read out on Monday, February 13 yesterday.

"KY will pay close attention to the escalation, including coordinating with the judge who tried this case," said KY Spokesperson Miko Ginting to VOI, Tuesday, February 14.

If there is a threat or something that interferes with the safety of the judges at the premeditated murder of Yosua Nopriansyah or Brigadier J, KY will intervene. Miko said an advocacy would be given.

"Once again, we will first look at the existing developments," he said.

"If it is seen that there is an escalation that has the potential to disrupt the safety of judges, KY can take the judge's advocacy steps," continued Miko.

Previously, the panel of judges led by Wahyu Iman Santoso read out FerdyaSambo's decision. The former Head of the Propam Police Division was sentenced to death because he was proven to have masterminded the premeditated murder of his subordinate, Brigadier J.

Sambo was found guilty of violating Article 340 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph 1 to (1) of the Criminal Code. The judge considered mitigating and aggravating things.

Aggravating considerations, Ferdy was considered complicated when giving testimony. He also committed a crime against his own aide and caused tremendous noise.

In addition, Ferdy Sambo is also considered to have tarnished and dragged many police officers into legal cases and did not admit his actions. Meanwhile, the panel of judges did not see it.

Meanwhile, Putri was sentenced to 20 years in prison by the judge. One of his considerations was that he destroyed the future of many members of the National Police.

It was noted that in the series of premeditated murder cases of Brigadier J, dozens of members were deemed involved in an obstruction. They were sanctioned internally through the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) trial.

Another weight consideration is that Putri Candrawathi is considered complicated in providing information and not straightforward in court. This made it difficult for the trial.

Just like Ferdy, the judge also did not find any mitigating considerations for Putri Candrawati.

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