
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo succeeded in building an alternative road for Ngadirejo-Kedu, Temanggung Regency, along 5.5 kilometers. The Rp 15 billion road, which was built in 2021, is now crowded with road users and is able to improve the community's economy.

Gedongsari Village Apparatus, Jumo District, Amin Surati said that the road that the Governor built crossed his village. In addition to paving, the road was also widened, from what was originally only 4 meters wide, widened to 6 meters wide.

"In the past, it was about 4 meters, now it's 6 meters. In the past, the road was quiet, but with this widening it was very useful, especially road users," he said, Monday, February 13.

The condition of the road that is getting more comfortable and safe makes road users now do not hesitate to cross that road, so the road becomes crowded. This can help improve the community's economy. "And on the side of the road, many residents open businesses. From Ngadirejo to Kedu. It really helps the community's economy very much," he added.

The driver of the freight transport, Sarwono, said that the alternative road passing through Gedongsari Village was good, safe and comfortable. He now has no doubt when crossing the road. "I'm a truck driver carrying wood from Jumo to Wonosobo, usually half a month passing here three times. The road is good," he explained.

He compared, before being repaired there were many holes and narrow ones. "In the past, it wasn't good, it used to be a bit narrow. Now the Temanggung intersection to Kedu is good and wide. It's good not to worry about a strike. Yes, it's safe and comfortable," he explained.

Not only road users, local residents who have businesses also benefit from road repairs and widening. The number of road users who pass, bring fortune to trading residents.

Anik, for example, this mobile meatball seller admitted that his merchandise was getting faster after the road was repaired and widened. "I'm happy because the road was widened. It used to be a bit narrow now, the road users are getting more and more crowded. Yes, Alhamdulillah, add buyers," he said.

Before the road was repaired, Anik's income in a day only ranged from Rp. 70 thousand to Rp. 100 thousand. However, now he is able to get Rp. 200 thousand in a day from selling his meatballs. "If it runs out, he can get Rp. 200 thousand," he said.

The same thing was conveyed by Siti, a rice trader and catering. Since the repair and widening of the road, the customers have been getting more and more crowded. "Alhamdulillah, I'm happy. When the road is still damaged, customers are lacking, now the road is good, it's getting more crowded, not like before," said Ganjar Pranowo.

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