
The Banten Police's Narcotics Directorate confiscated a Suzuki Ertiga car which was used to carry methamphetamine. After an examination, it was discovered that the gray car was an official vehicle belonging to the village head.

The Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Kombes Pol. Didik Hariyanto, explained that his party received information regarding the delivery of methamphetamine in Serang City. After an investigation was carried out, it was discovered that the perpetrator had the initials FR (20).

"After knowing the characteristics of the perpetrators, officers arrested FR on Friday (February 10) at around 15.30 p.m. on Jalan Raya Lightning. From the results of the search, evidence was found in the form of a package of methamphetamine with a gross weight of 10.24 grams.

FR admitted that he got the illicit goods from an initial RM alias Agus alias Mpet who is now being chased by officers. The officers immediately searched for the whereabouts of the perpetrators.

"At 17.30 the officer saw a metallic Suzuki Ertiga car No. Pol A 1265 N driven by Agus alias Mpet at Simpang Boru. The officer immediately blocked it but the car immediately fled at high speed and almost hit the officer. Then Agus hit the motorbike driven by the mothers, so the officers took decisive action measured with warning shots up and at the car, but the car continued to speed up," said Didik in a written statement, Monday, February 13.

Agus fled into a residential area and left the car he was using.

"When examined, officers found Agus' wallet, ID card and cellphone in the car," added Didik.

The results of the investigation and investigation that the vehicle used by Agus was an official vehicle for the Cihara Village facility, Lebak Regency.

"Currently, officers are continuing to pursue Agus," said Didik.

From the results of this disclosure, the officers managed to confiscate evidence in the form of a package of methamphetamine with a weight of 10.24 grams, 4 cellphones, one ID card in Agus' name.

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