
JAKARTA - The availability of decent and healthy houses for the community is a development priority in Central Java. During Governor Ganjar Pranowo's leadership, low-income Central Java residents had the opportunity to restore their uninhabitable homes.

Referring to Law No. 1 of 2011, houses are buildings that function as livable residences, family development facilities, a reflection of the dignity and dignity of its residents, as well as assets for its owners.

Through Village Financial Assistance (Bankeudes) managed by the Department of Public Housing and Settlement Areas (Disparakim), Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo until 2022 has renovated 77,221 uninhabitable housing units (RTLH). The RTLH category itself is a house that does not meet building safety standards, health, and adequacy for its residents.

Throughout 2016-2022, the total number of RTLH handled by Ganjar reached 1,269,056 units. Funding sources from the results of the beatings from the APBD, APBN, Baznas, CSR, and philanthropy.

Now, millions of barcategories of poor people are survivors, and can feel the presence of livable houses in accordance with standard safety and resilience of buildings.

Among the beneficiaries of the housing restoration program is Sholikin. The construction worker who is a resident of RT 6/RW 3 Dusun Lerep, Lerep Village, Semarang Regency did not expect his bad house to be lived in.

''Maturnuwun Pak Governor, now our house is good and comfortable to live in. After our house was rehabilitated, we felt happy,'' said Solikin.

The same thing was conveyed by another resident of Lerep Hamlet, Warsuli. It has been a long time since the mother who is sick and paralyzed longs for a healthy house that is livable. His dream came true, when the assistance of Rp. 12 million from the provincial government had turned his house into better than before.

The Head of the Lerep Sumaryadi Village revealed that in 2022 his party received assistance from the Central Java Provincial Government of Rp. 289 million. Of these funds, Rp. 84 million was used for the construction of seven units of RTLH residents, or each resident received assistance of Rp. 12 million.

''This assistance is very helpful for villages, especially in efforts to help low-income people to live a healthier and more prosperous life,'' he said.

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said the construction of RTLH used funds from various sources with the aim of alleviating poverty. Starting from the Central Java Provincial Government Budget, the central government APBN, the city district government budget, Central Java Baznas and regencies/cities, and CSR donations from various companies.

Each resident receives a different amount. Starting from IDR 12 million to IDR 50 million. It all depends on the source of the budget.

"The assistance has been received in the form of materials. So it's just a matter of building," said Ganjar in a statement, Monday, February 13.

Ganjar said, the RTLH development program was right on target. Because, apart from the proposal process, data collection, verification and validation are also carried out.

In 2022, Central Java completed the target of 11,417 RTLH rehabilitation assistance. The realization of the Central Java Provincial Government's target through the Disperakim reached one hundred percent.

"Talking about the house, there are bases, floors, walls, if it's good the score (miskip poverty alleviation indicators) will definitely go up. Just add latrines, plus water, of course it will be even better," explained Ganjar.

In addition, the existence of livable houses aims to realize sustainable development, have environmental insight, improve the quality of the life of just citizens, and ease the burden on the underprivileged.

Ganjar said the RTLH target in 2023 will still be juxtaposed with various programs and collaborations to maximize poverty alleviation, for example from the company's CSR and the collection of zakat from Baznas.

The governor emphasized that his party would not stop moving social programs and poverty alleviation. According to Ganjar, the presence of the government is very important to help the community.

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