JAKARTA - The Director of Investigation of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Endar Priantoro is proposed to take up his position in his original agency, Polri.
This proposal was submitted by the KPK to the National Police Chief since last November and has a polemic because it is suspected of being related to the investigation into alleged corruption in the implementation of Formula E in Jakarta.
Then, how did Endar answer about this polemic?
"I have no response, yes," Endar told VOI via text message, Monday, February 13.
We also ask for a response from the Deputy for Enforcement and Execution of the KPK Karyoto. Just like Endar, he is also proposed to get an promotion.
It's just that, until this news aired there was no statement submitted. The short message sent by VOI was only read by Karyoto.
For information, Endar and Karyoto are still active police officers. Endar now holds the rank of Brigadier General and Karyoto with the rank of Inspector General.
Both of them are of concern because they are proposed to take up positions which means they will be returned to their original unit, the Police. This proposal occurred when the KPK investigated allegations of corruption in the implementation of Formula E.
Apart from Endar and Karyoto, the KPK also returned Rohcahyanto, who previously served as Director of Prosecution, to his agency, the Attorney General's Office. However, this return was denied regarding Formula E.
Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri said Fitroh was returned because he wanted a career in the Adhyaksa Corps. Currently, his position has been replaced by M. Asri Irwan as acting (Plt) Director of Prosecution.
"(The return, ed) at his own request some time ago, last year to develop a career there. At the Attorney General's Office," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Thursday, February 2.
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