
JAKARTA - The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) stated that the education sector plays a very large role in preparing superior and quality human resources (HR).

"The role of education is very large and very important to prepare Indonesian human resources," said Deputy for Coordination of Education Quality Improvement and Religious Moderation at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, Warsito in his statement, Monday, February 13, was confiscated by Antara.

He explained that at this time the government continues to optimize the HR development program as a priority program towards Indonesia Gold 2045.

"HR is the backbone to achieve Indonesia Gold 2045. Education must be utilized in order to be able to answer human resources as expected and realize the quality of competitiveness nationally or globally," he said.

Moreover, he said, Indonesia has a large capital, where currently the demographic bonus period for the number of people of productive age is very dominant.

Nevertheless, he said that in order to realize comprehensive education in the context of realizing the golden generation, it could not only rely on education in schools.

"For this reason, synergy is needed starting from school education, family education, and community education, everything must be able to run well," he said.

School education, he said, provides formal education and basic lessons. In addition, schools can also provide skills and skills education

Meanwhile, family education provides values, norms, exemplary, and character for children. Then, community education, he said, instills the procedures for socializing, customs, and moral norms that apply in the surrounding environment.

He emphasized that the synergy of school education, family education, and community education must be in harmony and running well

"Especially in the midst of the digital era and digitalization of technology which is currently developing, the synergy of school education, family education, and community education must be strengthened in order to protect children from the possibility of negative content," he said.

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