
PALU - The Mayor of Palu, H Hadianto Rasyid will block the electronic ID cards or e-KTP of its citizens who do not pay the waste levy for two consecutive months.

The chairman of the Regional Regulation Formation Agency (Bapemperda) of the Palu City DPRD, Mutmainah Korona, considered that Hadianto's policy discourse was wrong. "We need to consider the existing legal footing. Moreover, waste levy is still regulated in Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 8 of 2011 concerning general service levies," said Mutmainah in a written statement, Monday, February 13, confiscated by Antara. He explained that sanctions are regulated in Article 76 of the general service levy regulation, namely administrative sanctions in the form of interest of two percent every month the slowdown of retributions that are payable or underpayment, and collection using regional retribution billing letters (STRD). Therefore, the Palu City Government needs to review the policy, whether the rules applied to residents who are in arrears refer to local regulations or regional head directions. "Even though this waste levy is one of the sources of Regional Original Revenue (PAD) which is the main target for the Palu City Government, the process of increasing the levy must be carried out based on existing regulations," he said.

According to Mutmainah, all policies applied by the local government (Pemda) must be based on the rules that have been regulated. The blocking of e-KTP, he continued, has the potential for neglect of other basic rights, because ID cards are an embodiment of the rights of citizens in the form of population documents, and it is the duty of the local government to realize the document in accordance with Law Number 24 of 2013 concerning amendments to Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration. "Retribution sanctions by blocking ID cards, in my opinion, are different things from the rights of residents' populations," he said. He added that the Palu City Government needs to strengthen the awareness of citizens regarding compliance with levies, and the importance of involvement of citizens in various policy initiations, it is also an important part. Previously, the Mayor of Palu Hadianto Rasyid revealed a statement that he would impose sanctions on residents who did not pay levies on waste levies for two consecutive months by blocking e-KTP The statement he conveyed at a meeting with the sub-district head and the Head of RT/RW Besusu Village and West Kelurahan at the Palu City Government Secretariat on Friday 10 February.

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