
JAKARTA - Former Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Bambang Widjojanto assessed that the proposal for the promotion of Deputy for Enforcement and Execution Karyoto and the Director of Investigation Endar Priantoro were unusual. This assessment arose because a similar precedent had occurred.

"It has not disappeared from memory when the KPK chairman tried hard to return KPK employees to the police on behalf of Rossa," Bambang said in a written statement quoted Monday, February 13.

Not only Rossa, but there was a prosecutor who was also returned to the Attorney General's Office, namely Yadin. Bambang said that both of them were returned to the original agency for dealing with the alleged bribery that ensnared former legislative candidate Harun Masiku.

"(They, ed) are handling Harun Masiku's case as it is," he said.

This condition made Bambang believe that the proposed promotion was related to the case handled by the KPK, namely the investigation into alleged corruption in the implementation of Formula E in Jakarta.

"This mutation is very unusual," he said.

Bambang suspects that there is an intention by the head of the anti-corruption commission to force the investigation of this case. Moreover, exposure has been carried out many times and it is suspected that there was an internal dispute.

"The KPK leadership has strong indications of trying to impose its will against the results of more than eight exposures," he explained.

It is known that the KPK is investigating allegations of corruption in the implementation of Formula E. There are several parties who have been summoned, one of which is former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan on Wednesday, September 7, 2022.

The investigation into the alleged corruption was then highlighted after the Director of Prosecution for Fitroh Rochahyanto turned out to return to his original agency, the Attorney General's Office. However, the KPK denied that this return was due to Formula E, but because the prosecutor wanted to pursue a career in the Adhyaksa Corps.

After Fitroh's return, it turned out that there was a letter addressed to the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo for Karyoto and Endar Priantoro to be withdrawn and given promotions. However, the KPK argued that this kind of submission was a natural thing for career development.

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