
West Java Governor M Ridwan Kamil reviewed the implementation of regulations regarding the establishment of earthquake-resistant buildings in districts and cities. This includes efforts to reduce the risk in the event of an earthquake in the area.

He said that the provincial government would check whether district and city governments had enforced regulations requiring the construction of buildings with earthquake-resistant structures.

"Regulationally, we have, especially in urban areas. But we will check, apart from Bandung and Bogor, which other cities or regencies do not yet have regulations that require buildings with earthquake-resistant structures," he said as quoted in a press release by the provincial government in Bandung, Sunday.

While attending the celebration of Real Estate Indonesia (REI) in Bandung City, Saturday (11/2), he said that the earthquake that rocked Cianjur Regency on November 21, 2022, and Turkey on February 6, 2023, taught a lesson about the importance of regulating building construction in order to minimize the impact of the earthquake.

"In Cianjur, the building is one floor, but in Turkey it is worse, tall buildings and so on. Many of them are not earthquake resistant, please use it as a lesson," he said.

The governor asked companies that are members of the REI to build buildings with earthquake-resistant structures.

"So that in the future if the REI builds, especially tall buildings, it must have an earthquake-resistant structure," he said.

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