
JAKARTA - Farmers in Donosari Village, Patebon District, Kendal Regency finally enjoyed abundant harvests from agricultural products. All happened after receiving assistance in the construction of an irrigation network from the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.

The Governor's assistance consists of the Village Irrigation Network (Jides) and the Farmers' Business Level Irrigation Network (Jitut), a total aid budget of IDR 400 million.

Chairman of the Sido Rukun Farmers Group, Donosari Village, Mugiyo said, irrigation network assistance from the Governor is very beneficial for farmers in his village. The 270-meter irrigation network is capable of irrigating 55-hectare agricultural land.

The ease of getting irrigation water is able to improve the quality and quantity of yields in the village.

"After receiving assistance from Pak Ganjar, irrigation water became smooth. Especially for 55 hectares of rice fields with around 400 cultivators," said Mugiyo, Saturday, February 11.

In the past, when the irrigation network conditions were still not congested, water could not flow smoothly. Apart from the potential for crop failure, it also resulted in conflict among farmers because they were fighting over water.

In order to get irrigation water, farmers in their villages were forced to use a water pump. One hectare of rice fields, it costs around Rp. 1.2 million to buy diesel during the planting period.

Previously, farmers fought over water because the irrigation was still soil and the water was slow. But now in Javanese, the water is turbulent (excessive). In the past, the contribution of one hectare was IDR 1.2 million, now it's only IDR 600 thousand, so it reduces 50 percent of costs," he explained.

The same thing was also said by Mintarjo, a farmer in Donosari Village. He said that thanks to the assistance of the irrigation network, the yields increased. Originally only 5.1 tons per hectare, now it has increased to 7.2 tons of rice per hectare.

"Alhamdulillah, we are very grateful for the irrigation assistance from Pak Ganjar, the yield is more satisfying, our rice yield is more quality. I worked on one hectare and the results are now 7.2 tons. And the quality is very good," he said.

The agricultural land in his village is currently able to be used for three times the planting period. Namely, twice the planting period of rice, and once the harvest of crops.

The water discharge can also be regulated. If you want to harvest, the water is reduced so as not to damage rice plants and reduce quality," he said.

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