
JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) through the program 'Giving Bright Building the Country', PLN provides a 50 percent discount promo for new electricity connections to all underprivileged communities and located in the Outermost, Disadvantaged (3T) areas.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said this program aims to open access to the affordability of household electricity connections, especially 450 Volt Ampere (VA) customers. At the same time to provide justice to all Indonesian people in obtaining access to electricity.

"This program is an effort to accelerate the 100 percent electrification ratio and is the implementation of the fifth principle of Pancasila, namely social justice for all Indonesian people in justice, obtaining access and electricity benefits from PLN," Darmawan said in an official statement, Saturday, February 11.

PLN's Retail and Commerce Director Edi Srimulyanti added that the discount program for connecting new electricity pairs applies to consumers in the 450 VA tariff category. In addition, prospective customers must also be registered in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).

"This promo only applies to connecting customers who do not require network expansion or only need a house connection and installation of kWh meters," said Edi.

The normal fee for connecting 450 VA power is IDR 421,000 and with this program customers only need to pay IDR 210,500. Prospective customers can participate in this program by submitting applications through PLN Mobile, or PLN 123 call center.

Therefore, Edi hopes that the community can make the best use of this program, especially for poor families and in 3T areas.

"This promo is valid until December 31, 2024, so hopefully it can be used and used as best as possible by the community," said Edi.

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