
JAKARTA - Commission I of the DPR assesses the right steps taken by the Chief of Army Staff (KSAD) General TNI Dudung Abdurachman, who sent additional troops to assist the search and evacuation process of the Susi Air pilot. As is known, the Susi Air plane was burned by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) of Paro Airport, Nduga Regency, Papua. Member of Commission I of the DPR, Dave Akbarshah Fikarno Laksono supports General Dudung's efforts to use a persuasive approach to crush KKB terrorists. This is because According to him, the KKB is very disturbing by not caring about human rights (HAM). He asked the TNI-Polri and BIN to act decisively. "The steps are very appropriate and in accordance with the state corridor. Because if these KKB have taken action they run and hide in the midst of society (cill). The TNI and Polri have been ordered by the president firmly and measuredly. Don't always human rights as a reason, because the KKB itself doesn't care about the human rights of the victims," said Dave, Saturday, February 11th. According to Dave, additional soldiers were given firm authority and clear orders and received proper information with sufficient weapons. The TNI, he said, is at the forefront of the state to address the issue of national security threats, especially separatism. "Following after the perpetrators, both directly involved and those who plan, either those who supply logistics or funding, let alone weapons to the KKB," said Dave. The West Java electoral district Golkar legislator said, KKB's actions have tarnished the good name of the country and have the potential to disrupt the development process in Papua. Not only infrastructure development, but also social services are generally quite disrupted. "This tarnishes Indonesia's good name as well, and could potentially disrupt the overall economic growth," said Dave. Previously, Army Chief of Staff General Dudung Abdurachman dispatched additional troops to Papua to search and evacuate the Susi Air pilot. Dudung ensured that his party would remain "Compared humanely but still firm with terrorists, including the KKB according to the direction of the TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono. "The approach is still humane. But actually the one who can answer this is the authority of the TNI Headquarters. If I only send it. But the one who uses it is the TNI Headquarters," said Dudung at Headquarters, Central Jakarta, Friday, February 10. "The concept I see is that the TNI Commander remains persuasive, humanist, and remains firm against the terrorists," he continued. Apart from assisting in the search for the Susi Air pilot, Dudung explained, the troops departing today are also to catch up with the terrorists. "That's about it. Both (firing the hostages and chasing the perpetrators), the target must be achieved," he said.

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