
JAKARTA - Chairman of Kornas Volunteer Pro Ganjar Pranowo (ProGP) Benny Kisworo believes that the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo will not use identity politics because Ganjar is a Pancasilaist figure. "On that occasion, he also invited all the nation's children not to use identity politics in welcoming the 2024 election. Because, the effect of identity politics is dangerous for the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). At least, he said, this has been felt by the public since the 2014 presidential election, the election of the Governor and Deputy Governor (Pilgub) of DKI Jakarta in 2017 and the 2019 presidential election. "This identity politics is very divisive and creates a sharp polarization in society. Until now our nation still really feels the prolonged negative impact of identity politics," explained Benny. He said from a reformary journey where almost a quarter century ago there was another note where the community became more sensitive, easily offended and vulnerable to provocation. To overcome the role of political elites is needed to prevent identity politics in the 2024 election. "Political Elite needs to take a special role in every political momentum to create a peaceful and conducive political climate," he said.

According to him, the emergence of identity politics also tends to cover up debates about quality work programs. In fact, democracy should be an arena for various parties to fight for influence in society by presenting the best work program to improve aspects that are still bad. "What must be seen and prioritized in choosing leaders is based on track records and capacities, not based on ethnicity, religion or race," he said.

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