
LAMPUNG - A number of regions in Indonesia have been exposed to the African Swine Fever (ASF) virus or African Babi fever. The Bandarlampung Class I Agricultural Quarantine Center stated that in its area it was still free from the case.

"So far, in Lampung Province, there have been no cases of African Swine Fever that have appeared in pigs belonging to farmers," said Head of the Lampung Agricultural Quarantine Center Donni Muksydayan, in Bandarlampung, Friday, February 10, as reported by Antara.

He said Lampung was free from the spread of African swine fever due to the absence of traffic from pigs to Lampung.

"Until now, there is no income for pigs from outside to Lampung, so there is no income for ASF infected animals here," he said.

He explained that mitigation efforts against the spread of ASF could be carried out by implementing biosecurity in every pigpen owned by farmers.

"This ASF is rampant in Sumatra in 2018-2020, the worst happened in North Sumatra, Lampung is not too severe. But currently, on the island of Sumatra, the trend is that there is no increase or spread of ASF cases," he said.

According to him, even though there is no inter-island pig trade traffic in Lampung, farmers are still advised to be vigilant and mitigate to prevent the spread of disease in livestock.

"This is indeed one of the recovery phases for pig breeders in Lampung to develop their business, but don't forget to keep the cage clean and carry out routine checks on their livestock," he added.

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Lampung Province, the total population of pigs in 2021 is 37,023, spread across several districts and cities.

In detail, in South Lampung Regency there are 1,541 people, East Lampung 6,110, Central Lampung 13,393, North Lampung 1,104, Waykanan 7,535.

Furthermore, in Tulang Bawang Regency there are 2,843 pigs, 635 Pringsewu, 1,088 Mesuji, 1,887 West Tulang Bawang, 852 West Coast, and 35 Metro City.

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