
The Bantul Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Yogyakarta Special Region, arrested six suspected perpetrators of the murder of a casual daily laborer in the Pasir Parangtritis Gumuk area.

Head of Public Relations of the Bantul Police, Iptu I Nengah Jeffry Prana Widnyana, said that one of the six suspected perpetrators previously claimed to be a witness who found the body at the Pasir Parangtritis Gumuk and gave an untrue statement.

"The results of the initial examination showed that the witness's testimony was not clear and new information was obtained that the witness' testimony was not true. The witness was the perpetrator with the initials DB (33) alias Ucil. When further investigated, other perpetrators were obtained. A total of six perpetrators were arrested by the Bantul Police Satreskrim," said Jeffry as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, February 10.

Based on initial information from DB alias Ucil, continued Jeffry, the person concerned and his friends made up a story about the discovery of a body at the Pasir Parangtritis Gumuk, Kretek, Bantul, on Friday morning, at around 04.00 WIB.

"The victim was abused before. Because the victim was short of breath and had not moved, the perpetrators took him to the hospital," he said.

Apart from Ucil, the five other perpetrators who were arrested by the police were B, N, F alias Kincling, R, and J alias Si Jack. Friday afternoon, at around 14.55 WIB, the six perpetrators arrived at the Bantul Police for examination.

Meanwhile, the identity of the victim is known as Hatta Rosid Ardianto, a man born June 28, 1999. The victim is a casual daily laborer who lives in Pranti, Banguntapan Village, Banguntapan District, Bantul Regency.

"Based on information from DB, the victim has a debt of Rp. 12 million. We are also developing if there is new information or new perpetrators," he explained.

Jeffry added that DB was a drug recidivist and was detained at the Bantul Police in 2016.

The chronology of the incident began when the Bantul Police received a report by telephone from Rahma Husada Hospital, Friday morning, regarding a group taking the victim to the hospital and leaving the phone number.

Based on the hospital's report, the results of the examination and examination of the victim's condition were found that the victim had died between 30 minutes and eight hours before being found. The victim's body had bruises and wounds from violence.

"Initial information from the hospital that the victim's delivery left the phone number, which we finally carried out further examinations. The witness said that he found a body at the Pasir Gumuk and intended to provide help, that's why the witness took the victim to the hospital," said Jeffry.

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