
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) stated that local governments (Pemda) have a big role in preserving cultural heritage in order to strengthen cultural contributions and improve people's welfare.

"So that culture is not only used for education, but also to strengthen cultural contributions in order to improve people's welfare," said Director of Cultural Protection of the Directorate General of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture Judi Wahyudin as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, February 10.

To optimize the preservation of cultural heritage, said Judi, the Ministry of Education and Culture through the Directorate of Cultural Protection of the Directorate General of Culture held a national seminar "Synergy for the Determination and Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Realizing Cultural Development that is Lestari, Independent, and Welfare".

This national seminar, he said, was held as an effort to find ways and strategies to support the determination and preservation of cultural heritage by local governments and stakeholders in the cultural sector.

Judi Wahyudin added that at this time there are not a few cultural heritages that are locus and inspiration for people's businesses based on local cultural wisdom.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Culture at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Hilmar Farid, said that the preservation of cultural heritage began with the determination made by the regent/mayor and needed special attention from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri).

Furthermore, in terms of protection, development, and utilization, preservation of cultural heritage, he said, it requires special attention from the Ministry of PUPR, Ministry of Education and Culture, and stakeholders in the field of culture.

Hilmar Farid hopes that through the national seminar on cultural heritage, good coordination can be established between the owners of the proposed object as a cultural heritage with the regional government, Ministry of Education and Culture, and other related ministries in order to optimize the preservation of cultural heritage.

"We hope that there will be similarities in perception and unity of commitment to the preservation of cultural heritage which is a shared responsibility, because cultural heritage is one of the cultural entities that is not only an identity, but cultural resilience and diplomacy," he said.

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