
JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin assessed that the burning incident of Susi Air's plane with flight number SI 9368 by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Papua was due to a lack of escort at the location of vital objects. "The plane came and could be burned for lack of escort. An escort should have been made," said Ma'ruf Amin in Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), as reported by Antara, Friday, February 10. Susi Air's plane was set on fire by the KKB in Paro District Airport, Nduga Regency, Papua Mountains, on Tuesday, February 7 morning. The KKB then carried a New Zealand captain Philips M pilot and five passengers. "So, in Papua, there are still security disturbances. That's why I ask that the maker of this rioter be pursued in the context of law enforcement," he added. He also emphasized that strategic places must be guarded. "There must be an escort there. Do not let it be in that place and then there will be no escort," he said. However, in addition to enforcing law enforcement, Ma'ruf Amin also said that the government continues to build prosperity in the Land of Papua. "Continue to build prosperity and we adjust it to the will of the Papuan people. I use the term 'We will scratch in an itching place', which is what we scratch, which we give them," he explained. This means, continued Ma'ruf Amin, the government is making changes and working on development projects for the welfare of Papuans in accordance with the problems they face. "What Papuans want and we have received all the support, community leaders, church leaders, religious leaders, customs; and when I went there, they frankly asked for two more provinces, but I said these six provinces were first completed," he said. Previously, the Susi Air aircraft type Porter PC 6/PK-BVY was reported missing contact, Tuesday, at 06.35 WIT, at Paro District Airport while flying on the Timika-Paro-Timika route. Two hours later, Susi Air found the emergency transmitter of the aircraft's emitter transmitter (ELT) in an active position at 09.12 WIB, then the company responded with an emergency by sending another aircraft to check the position of the aircraft. However, the plane was found on fire on the runway of Paro District Airport. Five passengers on the plane belonging to Susi Air have now been successfully evacuated from Paro to Timika. Meanwhile, TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono said that his party is currently prioritizing finding the whereabouts of Captain Philips M. after detecting the presence of the pilot. According to Yudo, Philips was not held hostage by the OPM West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB), but fled after being threatened when the group allegedly burned the plane. The plan is for the plane to evacuate 15 health center construction workers from Paro to Timika. Yudo explained that Paro District is not included in areas prone to security disturbances, so Susi Air is allowed to fly. The airport in Paro District has also never been used for flights, but Susi Air uses the airport as its flight route. National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said the search for the Susi Air Pilot was still being carried out by TNI and Polri personnel together with the Cartenz Peace Task Force (Satgas).

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