
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Specific Working Visit Team of Commission V DPR RI Syarief Abdullah Alkadrie strongly requested that the Argo Parahyangan Jakarta-Bandung regular train not be eliminated in line with the operation of the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train (KCJB).

He conveyed this during his review of the Bandung Railway Station in order to check the facilities and infrastructure supporting KCJB which will start operating in mid-2023.

Syarief assessed that both of them clearly have different segments, both in terms of prices and so on.

"The DPR asks firmly that the Ministry of Transportation does not stop the Argo Parahyangan train if the fast train has been operated," Syarief said in his statement, Friday, February 10.

He said, the Argo Parahyangan train is intended for people who consider tariffs more, while the high-speed train is intended for people who consider travel time.

Furthermore, Syarief also explained the impact that would occur if the regular train was stopped, according to him, it would have an impact on the road density because the majority of people who choose minimum-tariff public transportation will tend to choose other alternatives such as buses or travel.

He sees that the more transportation options the better, because the wider choice of transportation modes of society.

With the regular train not stopping, he continued, at least it will reduce traffic density, especially roads because when the regular train is closed automatically, people with the middle to lower segment will switch to land transportation such as buses, travel and so on.

"So this will certainly create its own density for road users. I ask that in line with the operation of KCJB, the Argo Parahyangan train will also continue to operate," concluded the NasDem Party legislator.

Commission V of the House of Representatives hopes that the Ministry of Transportation can make a fair decision by considering the needs of all levels of society so that there are no assumptions that say that the people are forced to switch to the high-speed train.

Because transportation modes are provided with various alternatives so that people can choose the mode according to their needs.

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