
The Bandung City Transportation Agency (Dishub) noted that the number of vehicles in Bandung City, West Java, is about 2.2 million almost equal to the population of the population, so that traffic congestion is often unavoidable.The Head of Traffic and Equipment of the Bandung City Transportation Agency Khairul Rijal said the number of vehicles in Bandung City was 2.2 million units, while the number of people was 2.4 million people. "The current volume of vehicles domiciled in Bandung City alone is already 2.2 million units, with 1.7 million motorcycles and 500 thousand cars, almost one in the number of people," said Rijal in Bandung, West Java, Thursday. In addition, according to him, the number of vehicles is increasing every year, but the area of roads in Bandung City has not yet had a significant increase. Based on his records, the volume of vehicles in Bandung City can be seen from the data of vehicles passing at the Kiaracondong-Soekarno Hatta intersection. Because, he said, in the eastern region of Bandung City, there are many settlements, so people only rely on Soekarno-Hatta Street to go to the city center. In the busy hours in the morning starting from 06.00-09.00 WIB, according to him, there are about 29 thousand vehicles from the east direction leading north to the junction. Meanwhile, from east to west, according to him, there are 22 thousand vehicles. "It means that there are dominant in the morning, it is almost 50 thousand in three hours," he said. According to him., this also causes his party to need to carry out traffic arrangements, including by regulating the time cycle of red lights at a number of intersections, including at the Kiaracondong-Soekarno Hatta Intersection.

For this reason, he appealed to the public to switch to public transportation. Because, he said, the use of private vehicles is the main factor in causing traffic jams. "We private vehicle users complain of traffic jams, meanwhile we forget that traffic jams are caused by private vehicles, so who is the contributor to traffic jams, yes we are," he said.

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