
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) has requested that local governments (Pemda) report palm oil companies intentionally damage and penetrate forest areas. Reports can be submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Law Enforcement Division.

The Director General of Forest Management Lestari KLHK, Agus Justianto, said this was because hundreds of hectares of forest in Bengkulu were suspected of having been added by oil palm plantations and companies. "We have law enforcement mechanisms through the Director General of Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry who will further process the existing reports," he said in Bengkulu, Thursday, February 9, confiscated by Antara. He explained that local governments, non-governmental organizations (LSM) to the local community can report allegations of forest addition with accurate data and information. Then, after the data and everything is complete until it arrives at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, he said, there will be a field verification process until it is determined as a case of addition. "There must have accurate data and information. Only later will there be a KLHK team that will go to the area to confirm the case by bringing the BPN to measure the area in question, whether it is included in the forest area or not," he said.

In addition, he asked the local government to participate in overseeing forest areas that are not for plantation activities and if they are met, the local government is obliged to report the case.

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