
The Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) will soon hold a hearing to examine alleged violations of the Election Organizer Code of Ethics (KEPP) conducted by the General Election Commission (KPU) of Malacca Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, in the selection process of the District Election Committee (PPK). "We will immediately hold an examination hearing with the agenda of hearing the complainant's statement and taking place as well as the witnesses of the related parties," said DKPP Secretary Yudia Ramli in a statement received in Kupang, Antara, Thursday, February 9. His party has recorded the alleged violation of the KEPP as case Number 5-PKE-DKPP/I/2023. This case, he said, was complained by Theodorist Don Gustinho who complained about the chairman and four members of the Malacca Regency KPU, namely Makarius Bere Nahak, Yosef Nahak, Yoseph Ruang, Stefanus Manhitu, and Yuventus Adrianus Bere. Yudia explained that in the subject of the complaint, Theodorus as the complainant said the defendants acted dishonestly, unfairly, and unprofessionally, and were not transparent. This was because the defendant allegedly did not include the results of a written or computer assisted test (CAT) and the value of the interview test in the selection process for PPK registration throughout Malacca Regency. Therefore, he said, the DKPP followed up on the handling of the case by immediately examining related parties in a trial that would be held at the NTT Provincial Bawaslu Office in Kupang City. Yudia added that his party will hold an open trial in general for the examination of related parties for the alleged violation of the KEPP. "The trial will also be broadcast through the DKPP social media page so that the public can witness the proceedings directly," he said.

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