
JAKARTA - The working committee (Panja) of Commission VIII DPR held a meeting with PT Garuda Indonesia regarding the costs of organizing Hajj (BPIH) 1444H/2023 M at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, February 9. The meeting was to reduce the cost of transporting pilgrims from Indonesia to Saudi Arabia, both from departure and return to their homeland. It is known, the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) proposed a total hajj fee this year of Rp. 96.4 million, where per congregation is required to pay 70 percent with a cost range of Rp. 69 million. Member of Commission VIII DPR from the PKS faction, Iskan Qolba Lubis, suggested that this year's Hajj costs be IDR 45 million per congregation. Initially Iskan asked PT Garuda Indonesia to suppress several components so that the cost of Hajj in 2023 is cheaper. Such as fuel costs and aircraft rental costs. However, Iskan said the committee meeting had not yet determined how much the reduction in transportation costs was because Garuda also did not know the number of pilgrims to depart for the Ministry of Religion. "Yes, so it was just with Garuda. Garuda is also just an assumption, because the Ministry of Religion has not provided data on how much he will issue and which embarkation. Because of the different embarrations, it is different costs, so he (Garuda) has not been able to determine," said Iskan at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, February 9. Iskan said that his party had made way if Garuda was willing to lower the price per component. Namely related to the dollar exchange rate, reducing fuel for aviation fuel, and aircraft rental prices. "Because the largest component is, from the side of the dollar exchange, secondly from the avtur side, thirdly from the plane rental, that's the biggest. So we hope that from the dollar there will be a lot of losses from the pilgrims, right, he has to exchange the rupiah exchange dollar again, two changes. We hope that the scheme is divided with BPKH. Because BPKH has dollars, just pay the dollar, rent a plane, right dollar, why should the congregation exchange dollars," explained Iskan. "Then the oil, for example, buy with cash is cheaper, so we hope that the components (paid costs) for the pilgrims will decrease," he continued. Iskan said that Commission VIII of the DPR is targeting the determination of the 2023 hajj fee to be knocked on February 14. "If I can feel it, because it can be from the optimization of the scheme I said earlier, it could also be from reducing the components of the Hajj costs. It could also not be charged to all Hajj pilgrims this year. So the 70:30 scheme is ideal, but the budget is not ideal, so it should be gradual. We give 7 years but don't charge it all to this year's costs," he said. The PKS faction itself, he said, proposed that this year's Hajj costs be only IDR 45 million, if it increases. "If PKS (follows) the cost of Hajj is Rp. 85 million, which will be paid by the congregation Rp. 45 million, and Rp. 40 million from optimization," he said. "Rp45 million from anywhere? The initial deposit was paid off Rp25 million, then the virtual profit was Rp5 million to Rp30 million. So far, the payment has been Rp10 million, so Rp40 million is added Rp5 million. PKS proposes that the pilgrims pay Rp45 million, the optimization fund is Rp40 million," he added.

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