
JAKARTA - The House of Representatives (DPR) of the Republic of Indonesia conducted a Specific Working Visit (Kunspect) to Patra Niaga, Pertamina in Surabaya, Wednesday, February 8. On that occasion, members of the House of Representatives requested that Pertamina update the data on subsidized LPG recipients. A member of the Working Committee (Panja) Elpiji Distribution Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives Deddy Yevri Sitorus expects Pertamina to continue updating the data on three-kilogram subsidized LPG recipients. "There must always be evaluations of distributors, agents, and bases," said the PDI-Perjuangan Faction politician. On the same occasion, the Chairperson of the Elpiji Distribution Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Sarmuji revealed that Pertamina through Pertamina Patra Niaga must continue to collect data, and even better conduct independent data. So, in addition to data from the Ministry of Social Affairs, Pertamina itself conducts concrete data on local territorial areas, especially in village heads," said the Deputy Chairperson of Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives. Through the presentation in this Kunspik, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga classifies several parties allowed to buy three kilograms of Elpiji. Starting from household classes, micro businesses, farmers, to fishermen. For household and micro-business classes, there are currently no concrete rules to regulate them. However, for fishing classes, only those who are allowed to buy three kilogram LPGs are allowed to buy small fishing vessels with dirty tonnage capacity or below 5 GT. Furthermore, for farmers, those who are allowed to be small with land plots or equivalent to 0.5 hectares.

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