
JAKARTA - As many as 64 hospitals belonging to state-owned enterprises (BUMN) have stated they are on alert by disseminating information about the corona virus infection. This is in an effort to anticipate the spread of the virus in Indonesia.

The socialization of virus infection with the novel Corona Virus (nCoV) aims to build understanding and awareness of the spread of this dangerous virus and to establish cooperation with all related agencies with hospitals throughout Indonesia.

President Director of Pertamina Pusat Hospital, dr. Fathema Djan Rachmat explained that the spread of the corona virus could only be prevented by building awareness and cooperation of all related agencies with hospitals, especially referral hospitals that had been appointed by the government.

"Understanding and cooperation must be carried out by all related parties and 64 state-owned hospitals must play an active role in preventing the spread of corona virus infection in Indonesia," said dr. Fathema in Jakarta, Thursday 6 February.

Fathema added that the spread of this virus is so fast and it is necessary to take steps to remain cautious and always be alert to the possibilities that exist.

SOE Hospitals scattered throughout Indonesia are urged to coordinate with the Ministry of Health and the Health Service from the regional to central levels and three national referral hospitals, namely RSPAD Gatot Subroto, Friendship Hospital, and RSPI Sulianti Saroso.

In this socialization, apart from providing knowledge about standard handling and identification of sources of infection, there was also a demonstration on the use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) that must be used by health workers at the hospital by the PPI Team of Pertamina Central Hospital.

Director of P2PML Ministry of Health RI dr. Wiendra Waworuntu M.Kes reminded the importance of educating patients, families and the community so that it can reduce hoax news circulating in the community.

Meanwhile, dr. Robert Shinto, SpPD, PTI-K from Pelni Hospital & the Division of Tropical and Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia explained about the latest situation updates, identification of cases that have occurred and ways to prevent health workers .

Meanwhile, the Head of KKP I Soekarno Hatta, Anas Ma'ruf, conveyed the various steps and screening carried out at the airport to respond to the development of the 2019-NCov infection case.

Previously, BUMN Minister Erick Thohir asked BUMN Hospital to be responsive in preventing the entry of the virus from entering Indonesia. This preparedness step was proven by forming a team to quickly identify and prevent the spread of the corona virus throughout Indonesia.

The virus outbreak that originated in China has spread to 27 countries in the world, and has caught the attention of WHO and the Ministry of Health throughout the country.

Currently, 20,626 people have been positively infected with 462 victims. This mortality rate is still below the death rate due to MERS and SARS, but the tendency is that this number will increase, so it must be anticipated by all parties.

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