JAKARTA - The Anti-Corruption Community and Student Alliance appreciates the steps taken by the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia and the Papua High Prosecutor's Office investigators, who have named the suspect status to Acting Regent Mimika Johanes Rettob. This was revealed by Michael Himan, the legal authority of the Anti-Corruption Papuan Community and Student Alliance in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 8.
"The actions of the Papua High Prosecutor's Office are part of law enforcement in fulfilling a sense of justice for the Republic of Indonesia, especially in Papua, which we love, especially for the Mimika community, so that the Mimika community is very supportive and encourages the Papua Prosecutor's Office in the process of law enforcement of corruption cases committed by the suspect Johanes Rettob," explained Michael Himan.
Himan said the determination of the suspect against Plt. The Regent of Johanes Rettob related to the case of the procurement of aircraft and helicopters is an effort so far driven by the Papuan Society and Students to be anti-corruption.
"We are grateful to the Papua Attorney General's Office investigators for showing a fair attitude indiscriminately from the determination of this suspect. The public's sense of trust in law enforcement in Indonesia, especially the Attorney General's Office, is getting stronger," he added.
However, continued Himan, there was something that hindered him. According to him, in determining the suspect Plt. The Regent of Johanes Rettob was not accompanied by the actions of the Papuan Attorney General's Office investigators in detaining suspects which caused disappointment for the Papuan people, especially the Mimika people.
"There is no reason for the Papua Prosecutor's Office not to detain the suspect Johanes Rettob just because he is a cooperative suspect, what else is this case a corruption crime with a total state loss of Rp. 43,000,000,000. Detention of the suspect is a subjective decision of investigators, and it is quite reason for the Papuan Attorney General's Office to detain the suspect
Himan continued, even though the Papua Prosecutor's Office has named him a suspect, Johanes Rettob is still active as Acting Regent of Mimika.
This is extraordinary where a corruption suspect is still given space to run the government, in this case as Plt. Buapti Mimika, it is not impossible with his position as Plt. The Mimika Regent, the suspect▁diperiksaes Rettob, can use his power to return to corruption, with his power and access to get rid of evidence and can escape. For this reason, we urge the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia and the Papua High Prosecutor's Office to immediately detain the suspect Johanes Rettob. " he concluded.
In addition, the Anti-Corruption Papuan Community and Student Alliance also urged the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) to immediately dismiss the suspect Johanes Rettob as Acting Regent of Mimika.
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