
"ManOKWARI - Association of Indonesian Health Service (Adinkes) Pacu Pemerintah in West Papua Province achieved the target of elimination of AIDS, tuberculosis (TBC), and malaria in 2030. Chairman of West Papua Health Administration Suharso in Manokwari, said AIDS, TBC and Malaria are still serious issues that must be addressed, especially in West Papua, a strategy is needed for its resolution. These three diseases are not only the responsibility of the health office, but also need the role of other agencies so that technical instructions for integration of its handling are needed," said Suharso as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 8. The problem for malaria elimination is expected to be realized in West Papua in 2027, faster than any other target, given that Malaria's problem is very serious in the region, although at the national level it is targeted at 2030. Currently the highest case is still in Manokwari Regency, but we are grateful that this year, we can get one of the districts that has successfully eliminated malaria, namely in Sorong Selatan Regency," he explained. He explained, South Sorong is the only district throughout Papua, so that it can be an example for other regions to continue to provide support for the implementation of the elimination program. Support that can be given by local governments is budgeting through the APBD. Admittedly, the main constraint of the program is the budget, namely the budget for hard to reach regions. We carry out data related to the amount of budget provided by regions for handling AIDS, TBC and malaria through the health services of each region," he said. Suharso admits that currently there is still a budget that comes from abroad such as the Global Fund and UNICEF which helps the AIDS and malaria programs, however, in its implementation remains the full responsibility of local governments. Support of programs from overseas donors as a producer of local governments, because it belongs to the public who must get health guarantees, "s Suharso said.

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