JAKARTA - The 10th and 12th Vice Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia Jusuf Kalla (JK) stated that anyone involved in politics must perfect the life of the world of life.
" “ If it enters politics, first perfect life creators. Don't be too fast (entering politics),” said JK as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, February 8.
JK spoke when giving a speech at the 2023 National Working Meeting of the KAHMI/Korps Alumni Entrepreneurs Association (Hipka) and the inauguration of new members of HIPKA in 2023, at the Grand Sahid Hotel, Jakarta.
Before entering politics, Jusuf Kalla admitted that he had been involved in the business world for 35 years. At the age of 58, he was elected minister after being asked.
However, the current growing trend is that students want to play a role in various fields, ranging from activists, politicians by becoming members of the DPR, DPRD, regents, and so on.
In fact, the various choices of ideals are very limited, while what is not limited is taking part in the business world.
“Artinya, jangan terlalu cepat menginjau semua ini ( menjadi aktivitas dan lain sebagainya) apabila tak ingin memiliki perkara di belakang hari,” ujar JK pula.
He emphasized that all Hipka members should be able to make this organization advance the business world. A business organization is considered useful for advancing the businesses of its respective members, not just paying the organizational contributions.
“We are gathered here for the benefit of the nation. No nation is advanced without an advanced economy and no economy is advanced without great entrepreneurs,” said the former 6th and 10th vice president.
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