
JAKARTA - The health center in Lebak Regency, Banten still lacks 38 general practitioners and 53 dentists. The shortage of doctors has been going on for a long time and there has been no realization of the spread at the puskesmas. "So far, 38 people are lacking in general practitioners and 53 dentists," said the Head of the Lebak District Health Office, Triatno Supiyono in his statement in Lebak, Wednesday, February 8, quoted by Antara. The shortage of doctors has an impact on basic public health services. The Lebak Regency Government annually proposes a shortage of doctors at the puskesmas at the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes).

In fact, doctors at the frontline public health center to anticipate and prevent various infectious diseases and diseases are not contagious. Therefore, the availability and distribution of general practitioners and dentists at the puskesmas must be fulfilled to improve the public health level. The number of health centers in Lebak Regency was recorded at 43 units and 22 of them were in the status of health centers with care. A total of 43 health centers were spread across 28 sub-districts, the number of general practitioners was 92 people and 33 dentists. Ideally, he said, doctors who served at the puskesmas could be met with a distribution of between two to three people. "We hope that the shortage of doctors can be met, so as to increase the health status of the community," said Triatno. Head of Rangkasbitung Health Center, Lebak Regency, Yang Citra Gumelar, said that currently there are two doctors, one general practitioner and one dentist. The shortage of doctors has been submitted to the Lebak Regency Government, because the number of patients is quite a lot. "We hope that the shortage of doctors can be fulfilled this year," he explained.

Meanwhile, dentist at the Rangkasbitung Health Center in Lebak Regency, Siska Mardiana, stated that she was overwhelmed with serving patients because she served dozens of patients every day. "We serve patients every day and if there is free time, we only provide counseling to the public about the importance of dental care," said Siska.

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