
JAKARTA - Police are investigating a severe fire at a foam mattress factory owned by PT Gratec Jaya Indonesia in Tenjo, Bogor Regency, West Java, Tuesday, February 7 yesterday.

"We and a team from the Bogor Police Inafis are conducting further investigations," said Tenjo Police Chief, Iptu Suyadi in his statement in Bogor, Wednesday, February 8, as reported by Antara.

According to him, the investigation was carried out to find out the origin of the fire or the trigger for the fire in the factory building.

He explained that the fire incident was reported to have occurred at 17.00 WIB in one of the rooms produced by the foam mattress factory.

The fire that grabbed, said Iptu Suyadi, was suspected to have come from hot chemicals which were materials to make foam mattresses.

"The PT Grantec Jaya Indonesia plant is a company that produces and processes foam into the production of foam mattresses with an amazon buyer brand and a grandlife," explained Iptu Suyadi.

He said that when he received reports from the public regarding the fire by telephone, his party then asked the local Fire Department (Disdamkar) for help.

At least 12 fire fleets from Bogor Regency and Tangerang City made efforts to extinguish the fire at the mattress factory.

He explained that there were several obstacles to extinguishing fires, one of which was because the burned material was made of material that melted when exposed to heat. Then, the strong wind conditions made the flames soar.

Even so, the flames could be localized before they were successfully extinguished, so the fire did not spread to other parts of the building.

"One block A production room caught fire partially. 1,500 pieces of foam material caught fire. So far, the value of material losses cannot be calculated," said Iptu Suyadi.

There were no casualties or injuries from the fire incident.

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