BOYOLALI - Three villages in two sub-districts of Boyolali Regency were affected by light to moderate ash rain following the eruption of Mount Merapi which is located on the border of Central Java and Yogyakarta Provinces today.
The head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Boyolali Regency, Widodo Munir, said the eruption of Mount Merapi occurred at around 07.10 WIB. The direction of the hot clouds to the Boyong Magelang River and its impact on Boyolali was ash rain in three villages.
Widodo Munir conveyed the eruption of Merapi in the form of ash bursts upwards which were then carried by the wind to the east, even though the lava was heading to Kali Boyong Magelang.
Three villages in Boyolali were affected by ash rain, namely in Sruni Village, Musuk, Sangup and Mriyan sub-districts in Tamansari District with moderate and mild categories.
"People remain safe to carry out their activities as usual because the eruption is only once and again. The condition is now under control," he explained as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, February 8.
The status of Mount Merapi to date, remains alert in accordance with the information conveyed by the Center for Research and Development of Geological Disaster Technology (BPPTKG) DI Yogyakarta.
BPBD Boyolali is now sending thousands of masks to the three villages affected by the ash rain, in anticipation of further ash rain that may lead to Musuk and Tamansari in Boyolali.
"We urge the public to remain calm, not panic but be vigilant. Because, the Boyolali area, especially the eruption, is expected to lead southwest, especially in the Boyong Magelang River," he said.
Meanwhile, Ngatiyem (45), a resident of Sangup Village, Tamansari Boyolali, said that the ash rain suddenly flushed the Sangup Village area, at around 07.30 WIB. Abu flushed agricultural land, most of which were planted with vegetables.
"Many residents then cleaned vegetables such as chilies, cauliflower and others. However, residents continue to carry out their activities as usual to clean vegetables so that their quality does not decrease due to the impact of ash rain," he said.
Rukimin (50), another resident said that ash rain occurred in Sangup Village from Mount Merapi, at around 07.30 WIB. Abu rain hit the residents' vegetable farming area, roads, and houses.
There are two villages affected by ash rain in Tamansari District, namely Sangup and Mriyan. However, residents continue to carry out their activities as usual, they still go to the fields and children still go to school.
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