
BIMA - Members of the Bima City Police Satreskrim, West Nusa Tenggara revealed a case of smuggling illegal coral reefs to Java and Bali on Jalan Raya Sape, Sari Village, Bima Regency. "As many as 31 boxes of transnational illegal coral reefs, behind piles of rice grounds carried using trucks we confiscated," said Head of the Bima City Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Iptu M. Rayendra in a written statement received in Mataram, Antara, Wednesday, February 8. The disclosure of the case was carried out based on information from the public, so that his party conducted an investigation and succeeded in securing the truck carrying dozens of boxes of coral reefs without that permit. When he was about to be secured, the truck loaded with coral reefs without permission was deliberately stored under a pile of rice grounds, with the aim of tricking the officers. "After being dismantled and checked, 31 boxes of coral reefs were found hidden under rice grounds," he said. His party is also still investigating the case by examining truck drivers and assistants who were caught transporting the coral reefs without legal permission. Dozens of boxes of coral reefs without permits have been released back into their habitat with the BKSDA in the local area. "The driver and assistant have been secured and we are still investigating to trace this network of coral reef smugglers," he said.

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