
The road section leading to a number of inland villages in Sungai Tubu District, Malinau Regency, North Kalimantan Province (Kaltara), was completely cut off due to landslides.

"The intensity of the rain that is still high has caused landslides along the route to Sungai Tubu District continues to increase. As of this morning (February 8) there have been 7 new landslide points," said Tubu Yosep sub-district head, in Malinau, Kaltara, Wednesday, February 8, as reported by Antara.

Heavy equipment in the sub-district is reportedly unable to reach all landslide points due to the distance between landslide locations that are far apart. The local sub-district has reported to the Malinau District Public Works Office regarding this access cut and asked for help.

The landslide leading to Long Ada, which is the capital of Sungai Tubu Subdistrict, has an impact on the availability of basic necessities and fuel in surrounding villages such as Long Pada Village, Long Nyau Village, Rian Tubu Village, Long Titi Village, and Long Ranau Village. This is because basic necessities such as sugar, oil, coffee, soap, and others are supplied from Malinau City, the capital city of Malinau Regency.

"Of the seven landslide points, there are four severe points. The most difficult thing is if the road breaks is fuel, because people need fuel for ketinting and motorbikes to go to the fields. This includes fuel for rice stocking machines," said Village Head Long Pada, Faridan Liwah.

Villagers are currently entering their harvest period. With more frequent rain and the absence of fuel for the stock engine will slow the harvest period.

"We hope that the government will immediately intervene to help repair the road to our village," said Faridan.

Reni, Coordinator of the Communications Division of the KKI (Indonesian Conservation Community) Warsi in Malinau Regency, said that access to Long Pada Village passes through land roads and crosses a number of rivers. The largest river is the Antun River. The condition of the Antun River also overflowed and there was a large fallen tree covering the road.

The car usually passes across the river without a bridge. But if the water overflows the car can't pass," he said.

KKI Warsi is a non-profit institution that carries out community assistance activities in and around the forest. Its activities include Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua.

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