
The trial of the bribery case for accepting Unila's new students (PMB) was held again. In today's trial, the defendant, the former Chancellor of Unila, Karomani, presented a witness to the Chancellor of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University (Untirta) named Fatah Sulaima.

The witness also served as Chairman of the West Region State University Cooperation Agency (BKS-PTN) said that the quota or affirmation line is an access that can be used for the sons and daughters of educators.

"This affirmative quota is actually to accommodate environmental burdens in each university, such as lecturers and teachers," he said when he was a witness at the Tanjungkarang District Court, Bandarlampung, Tuesday, February 7.

He said this was based on the mandate of the Teacher Law and Lecturer Number 14 which regulates the accessibility of educators' children provided with easy access. However, with a note that the percentage of the value of candidates is in accordance with the standard for entering campus.

"For the article, I forgot. But in the acceptance there must also be a passing grade," he said, quoted by Antara.

He also said that the affirmation quota could only go through independent channels because the national selection for entering universities (SNMPTN) and joint selection for entering state universities (SBMPTN) were not possible.

He also revealed that based on the results of discussions from state universities (PTN) in the West, it was determined that for affirmation in each PTN it was 30 percent and 70 percent passed purely from the PMB quota.

"In 2022 there were 25 of the 37 universities that submitted proposals to participate in self-selection through the West Region BKS-PTN. So initially there was 20 percent affirmative quota, but there were objections from several PTN, then I suggested 30 percent affirmative," he said.

Regarding Unila not in accordance with the agreement that has been set, namely 30 percent affirmation and 70 percent through a purely graduated system, the Untirta Chancellor admitted that he did not know.

"I don't know that Unila's quota is not 30 percent because there is no supervision of each member college. In the future there will be improvements and supervision will be carried out," he said.

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