
SIDOARJO - Minister of Defense (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto is of the view that Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), which was born since a century ago until this moment, has become one of the pillars of national unity and integrity. "NU was born, which until this moment became one of the pillars of national unity and integrity, embracing the diversity of the Indonesian nation with the breath of Islam, rahmatan lil alamin (love for the universe)," Prabowo said, quoted from a written statement, Tuesday, February 7, was confiscated by Antara. He also said NU was not only a movement for the rise of scholars, but also present to make a real contribution to the economic revival, education, and benefit of the people. As the sentence that was conveyed by Bung Karno, continued Prabowo, if the elements of Pancasila on alim ulama were firm within their minds, Indonesia would be the best country in the world. In the midst of the peak of the 1th Anniversary commemoration of NU, Prabowo also accompanied President Joko Widodo to attend the event held at Gelora Delta Sidoarjo, East Java, Tuesday 7 February, that was. On arrival at that location, the group of Presidents accompanied by the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa was greeted directly by Rais Aam, the Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) KH Miftachul Akhyar and a number of other PBNU figures.

After the event, Prabowo had mingled with the enthusiastic NU or Nahdliyin residents before he left the venue. Meanwhile, in his mandate at the peak of the NU Century Commemoration, President Jokowi expressed his gratitude and gratitude for the role of NU for the nation and state. During a century of NU's journey, according to Jokowi, they have given an extraordinary color to Indonesia, especially in terms of Islam, nationality, unity, unity, and harmony in diversity. Jokowi hopes that educational institutions in NU will prepare young Nahdliyin who master the latest science and technology in the midst of the rapid development of digital technology.

He also hopes that young Nahdliyin will be able to become a professional, superior, and embrace and give serious attention to the younger generation in order to remain firmly rooted in tradition or adab experts in practicing sunnah or ahlussunnah wal jamaah. "Hopefully this momentum of the 2nd century will be a marker of a new NU revival, strengthen Islam and Indonesianism, improve people's welfare, and build a future for an advanced and dignified Indonesia," said Jokowi.

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