
RIAU - Riau Center for Conservation and Natural Resources (BBKSDA) said it was still monitoring the alleged appearance of Sumatran tigers in the oil palm plantation area of PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) V Lubuk Dalam, Lubuk Dalam District, Siak Regency. This tiger reportedly preyed on cows. Head of BBKSDA Riau Genman Suhefti Hasibuan said his party had gone to the location to mitigate, by installing a camera trap to identify the Sumatran tiger. "We can't confirm whether the cattle died due to being attacked by tigers or not. We are waiting for reports from the team in the field," he said in Pekanbaru, Antara, Tuesday, February 7. Previously, residents were shocked by the discovery of a dead cow that was allegedly attacked by a tiger. The cattle that were released into the wild were found dead with torn marks on the back. The Head of Lubuk Dalam Sub-district, Agung Apandi, said that it was strongly suspected that the livestock died when attacked by a tiger. Because it is not far from the location there are footprints of the foot that are suspected to be the palms of the Sumatran Tiger. "The distance from this scene with the closest residential area is approximately 1.5 kilometers," said Agung. Agung said the sub-district had also issued a letter of appeal to the public and companies to always be vigilant, especially at night they were advised not to leave the house if it was not really urgent. The Sumatran tiger wild animal for the past month has shocked the residents of Siak. The first appearance of the masher was on January 16, 2023 and was caught on CCTV camera by the owner of Toserba Sinar Jaya in Siak City, entering the forest area of Arwinas a few days later. After that, the footprints of the Sumatran tiger were also found in Mempura District. Then in Koto Gasib District, there are also those who claim to have seen the Sumatran tiger firsthand. However, until now it is not known for sure the presence of the Sumatran tiger to be arrested.

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