
JAKARTA - The Papuan Police suspect that the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) Egianus Kogoya was the mastermind behind the burning of the Susi Air plane. In fact, in the series of incidents there are strong allegations if there has been a trade. "It is possible that the plane was detained by the KKB suspected of being the leader of Egianus Kogoya," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo in his statement, Tuesday, February 7. The allegation was because Paro District, which was the location of the incident, entered their headquarters. In fact, from the information received, in the series of aircraft burning events with flight number SI 9368, there was a transaction. To be sure, the Damai Cartenz Ops team, Nduga Police personnel, and the TNI will investigate the allegations. "Meanwhile, it is suspected that this (trade, ed)," he said. On the other hand, the team formed will also explore the real cause of the burning of the plane. Including, the condition of the pilot and passenger. "The team will also investigate whether or not the accident caused the fire of the Porter Susi Air plane," said Benny. Meanwhile, the plane contains five passengers, namely, Demanus Gwijangge, Minda Gwijangge, Pelinus Gwijangge, Meita Gwijangge, and Wetina W. The Porter'stype aircraft flew from Timika at 05.33 WIT and was scheduled to arrive at Moses Kilangin Timika Airport at 07.40 WIT.

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