
PALEMBANG - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) of South Sumatra (sumsel) conducted a review and verification of data of a Chinese citizen Xue Chang Hong who submitted a naturalization or citizenship application for the Republic of Indonesia (RI) based on Article 8 of Law Number 12 of 2006 concerning Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia.

The assessment and verification of the data on the application for naturalization from Chinese citizens, Xue Chang Hong, was conducted at the South Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office Hall, led by the Head of the South Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office, Lham Djaya, accompanied by the Head of Immigration Division, Herdaus, and the Head of Legal and Human Rights Services, Yenni.

Also attending the review and verification meeting were the Head of Sub-Division of AHU Services, Riyan Citra Utami, elements of the South Sumatra Police, the Population and Civil Registration Office of the South Sumatra Province, and the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes, South Sumatra Babel.

Kakanwil Ilham on that occasion said this activity was one of the stages that the applicant needed to go through to obtain citizenship from the Republic of Indonesia.

"Identity applicants are verified for administrative files on the suitability of files such as immigration permits, population certificates, police record certificates (SKCK), marriage certificates, and health certificates," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 6.

Then the petitioner was also tested on understanding the Republic of Indonesia, such as Indonesian language skills, Indonesian history, the Indonesian national anthem, love for the Republic of Indonesia, motivation and vision and mission to become Indonesian citizens (WNI).

"Every foreign citizen can become an Indonesian citizen if he meets the various requirements specified," said the Head of Regional Office.

After that, his party carried out a thorough verification in this submission process to determine whether or not the naturalization application was approved.

"If the status of the citizenship application is approved, the next stage the file will be sent to the Directorate of General Legal Administration, and the person concerned will be reviewed at the central level," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Immigration Division, Herdaus, said that his party discussed the status of ownership of his country's passport when he was an Indonesian citizen, an immigration certificate (SKIM) that must be fulfilled, as well as the motivation concerned to become an Indonesian citizen.

"The study of the citizenship of foreigners is one of the stages in the application for naturalization, the results of which will be verified and forwarded to the President of the Republic of Indonesia through the Minister of Law and Human Rights," said Herdaus.

Xue Chang Hang is a Chinese foreigner who has lived in Indonesia since 2002, and works as a commissioner in a company engaged in electricity and electronics.

"I have been used to working in the South Sumatra region, Indonesia, for 21 years I have been here many people I have known, and the plan is that big families will be moved here," said Xue Chang Hang.

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